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Welcome to DTEClimate

"Competence Center for Climate Change Digital Twin for Earth forecasts and societal redressment: DTEClimate" aims to implement the European strategy for adaptation to climate change in Romania by consolidating a national network of excellence.

The specific objectives that will be followed during the project development comprise:

  • O1. Actively provide support for policy implementation at national level contributing to the European Climate Change Adaptation strategy in Romania
  • O2. Enforce a national network of excellence interconnecting research expertise and innovative thinking to support a smart, systemic adaptation. Support the national platform - RO-ADAPT by sharing knowledge for a climate resilient country.
  • O3. Promote the use of Artificial intelligence for Climate Change
  • O4. Respond to the HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA, HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-CITIES, HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-OCEAN-SOIL and other relevant calls including ESA related ITTs
  • O5. Tailor the adaptation services considering social factors and the dynamics of the political and social context.
  • O7. Establish a strategy for dissemination, communication, and an action plan for exploitation - a roadmap to ensure Competence Centre sustainability beyond the project’s timeline.
See objectives

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Biochemical Parameters
Canopy Height in the Danube Delta Region
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March 16, 2023
Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța a organizat lansarea Proiectului Act4D-Eutrophication

Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța (UOC) a organizat miercuri, 15 martie 2023, lansarea Proiectului „Măsuri active pentru restaurarea lacurilor de apă dulce și a apelor costiere afectate de eutrofizare cu scopul de a crește reziliența la schimbările climatice și conservarea biodiversității - Act4D-Eutrophication”.

Jan. 4, 2023
Polytechnic University of Bucharest to coordinate project of approximately 3.8 million EUR on adaptation to climate change

The Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) will coordinate the implementation of a project worth approximately 3,800,000 EUR on the creation of a center of competence in the field of adaptation to climate change, the funding to be provided through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), UPB informs in a release sent on Tuesday.

Jan. 3, 2023
COMUNICAT DE PRESA: Proiectul DTEClimate, coordonat de UPB, a primit finantare prin PNRR

În cadrul unui proiect în valoare de circa 3.800.000 EUR, Universitatea Politehnica din București va coordona implementarea la nivel național a unui Centru de competență în domeniul "Adaptarea la schimbările climatice".

Jan. 3, 2023
UPB va coordona un proiect de aproximativ 3,8 milioane de euro privind adaptarea la schimbările climatice

Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti va coordona implementarea unui proiect în valoare de aproximativ 3.800.000 euro privind crearea unui centru de competenţă în domeniul adaptării la schimbările climatice, finanţarea urmând să fie asigurată prin Planul Naţional de Redresare şi Rezilienţă.

Dec. 30, 2022
Comunicat de presă - Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării şi Digitalizării

Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării şi Digitalizării anunţă semnarea contractelor de finanţare pentru înfiinţarea centrelor de competenţă la nivel naţional, în parteneriat public-privat, pentru a adresa provocările aplicate de cele cinci misiuni UE din cadrul Orizont Europa. Astfel, MCID a îndeplinit toate cele trei jaloane din PNRR care aveau termen finalul lunii decembrie 2022.

Dec. 30, 2022
Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării anunță semnarea contractelor de finanțare pentru centrele de competență la nivel național - jalon PNRR

Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării anunță semnarea contractelor de finanțare pentru înființarea centrelor de competență la nivel național, în parteneriat public-privat, pentru a adresa provocările aplicate de cele cinci misiuni UE din cadrul Orizont Europa. Astfel, MCID a îndeplinit toate cele trei jaloane din PNRR care aveau termen finalul lunii decembrie 2022.

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AI4DTEclimate project proposes contributions to five initial complementary challenges through five specific subprojects

Specific RDI Project 1: AI4DTE - Artificial Intelligence in Earth Observation for Understanding and Predicting Climate Change
The implementation of a specific hybrid AI paradigm for EO, Time Series in fusion with complementary, heterogeneous data or observations that will hierarchically structure the information sources will offer an enhanced perspective of the biophysical variables derived for Earth monitoring. Historical monitoring of these variables paves the way for prediction, hence raising great perspectives to submit proposals in the frame of the 2nd Pillar- Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment.
Specific RDI Project 2: Act4DEutrophication - Active Measures for Restoring Sweet-Water Lakes and Coastal Areas affected by Eutrophication addressing the Enhancement of Resilience to Climate Change and Biodiversity
The System of Systems Approach applied to the eutrophication of sweet-water lakes and Black Sea West coast waters serves as a reference model for addressing all aspects of Climate Change Adaptation in Romania and the EU. Understanding the means to reverse the eutrophication processes in the context of Climate Change adaptation and development of innovative solutions for de-eutrophication of sweet-water lakes and coastal provides added value and means to contribute tu Health Ocean, seas, costal an inland water EU mission proposals.
Specific RDI Project 3: EO4NATURE - Exploitation of Satellite Earth Observation data for Natural Capital Accounting and Biodiversity Management
Increase the existing expertise on analyzing the state of ecosystems (habitats and species subcomponents) and to maintain the capacity to provide services under climate change pressures, analyzed through indicators derived from EO data and validated with in-situ data. Natural capital bioproductive capacity to support the bioindustry and bioeconomy for mitigation of climate change and to increase sustainability of local businesses. Produce adaptation knowledge as requested for actions aiming to protect biodiversity and ecosystems functioning and service delivery.
Specific RDI Project 4: REACTIVE - The Research center for climate change due to natural disasters and extreme weather events
The coupled atmosphere-hydrosphere-lithosphere data monitoring service to be developed will provide for the first time an integrated view of how climate-change-stimulated phenomena can impact ground structure and motion properties in seismically vulnerable locations.
Specific RDI Project 5: VeBDisease - Assessing climate change impact on the vector-borne diseases in the One-Health context
To understand, anticipate and fight vector-borne emerging animal and zoonotic infectious diseases, it is necessary to develop an integrated One-Health approach considering the links between human health, animal health, and environmental health. This notably involves setting up a surveillance system combining human and animal surveillance (detection of human/animal cases and animal virus reservoirs), entomological surveillance (identification of vectors and the associated vector risk) and environmental monitoring).
See all subprojects

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DTEclimate is conducted by o consortium with 10 partners